SculpSure vs CoolSculpting: Which is Better?

October 23, 2021
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Fat Freezing and SculpSure are two fat-reduction procedures that are becoming increasingly popular. They both attack fat cells, despite the fact that they are nonsurgical and noninvasive. While Fat Freezing uses intense cold, SculpSure uses laser technology to produce similar results.

Which body sculpting technique is best for getting rid of stubborn fat in trouble spots? This is dependent on your schedule, pain tolerance, and the target area or places in question. In this blog, we'll compare and contrast SculpSure and Fat Freezing so you can pick the procedure that best suits your needs.

What is Lipolysis, and how does it work?

Liposuction used to be the gold standard for eliminating body fat (lipids). This surgery entails cutting incisions in the problem location and suctioning out the excess fat.

Fat Freezing and SculpSure now offer lipolysis as an alternative.

The process of lipolysis is when fat cells are broken down into smaller molecules. Heat, cooling, ultrasound, and other technologies are used in lipolysis techniques, also known as body contouring, to eliminate fat without invasive surgery.

How do they function?

Heat, cold, and other stimuli affect fat tissue more than surrounding tissue (skin, connective tissue, muscles, etc.).
Fat cells decompose into their constituent parts when heated or chilled to extremes. These molecules (and their mass) do not, however, vanish from the body automatically.
Instead, the broken-down cells are carried into the bloodstream by other cells. The cells are gradually removed from the body, which can take up to three months.
While new lipolysis methods might not have the same quick results as liposuction, they do have one big benefit: a far shorter recovery time.

  • Heat, cold, and other stimuli affect fat tissue more than surrounding tissue (skin, connective tissue, muscles, etc.).
  • Fat cells decompose into their constituent parts when heated or chilled to extremes. These molecules (and their mass) do not, however, vanish from the body automatically.
  • Instead, the broken-down cells are carried into the bloodstream by other cells. The cells are gradually removed from the body, which can take up to three months.

While new lipolysis methods might not have the same quick results as liposuction, they do have one big benefit: a far shorter recovery time.

For up to six weeks after liposuction, you may have bruising and discomfort. 1 Modern lipolysis techniques, on the other hand, are frequently touted as having "zero down time." While individual results may vary, you should be able to return to your normal schedule within a few days (or even hours).

Next, we'll look at SculpSure and Fat Freezing, two of the most popular lipolysis procedures.


SculpSure is a laser-assisted lipolysis technique that reduces the appearance of excess fat. Since 2006, laser lipolysis has been an FDA-approved procedure. 2 We've outlined a quick overview of how it works below:

  • Fat is successfully liquefied by laser heat without causing damage to the surrounding tissue. The body progressively removes the damaged fat cells after they have been killed.
  • Tissue and skin tightening are also benefits of the therapy.
  • Some effects may occur within a few weeks, but the complete consequences will not appear until the body has removed the dead cells.

Many people who have laser lipolysis are pleased with the outcome. The results of a 2017 study published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine were impressive3:

  • High-resolution pictures taken three months following the surgery demonstrated an average fat decrease of 2.6 mm.
  • 96 percent of the participants were pleased with their outcomes.

Although 2.6mm may not seem like much, it equates to a fat decrease of up to 24%. We'll then get into the specifics of this technique.

SculpSure Target Areas

Laser lipolysis, a slightly newer technology than Fat Freezing, is FDA-approved for the removal of excess fat in the following areas4:

  • The torso and the stomach
  • At the sides of the hips, there are love handles.
  • Back\sThighs
  • Because SculpSure does not need suctioning the skin, it can be used on even minor fat deposits.

This method also has the advantage of being able to safely treat multiple regions in a single fat reduction therapy session. Because the SculpSure procedure is so quick and painless, you can have it done on up to four different places at once.

SculpSure is designed for people with a BMI of less than 30.5.

The SculpSure treatment may be ideal for you if you're in good shape and want to lose fat in a specific problem region (or two). It may not have the desired effect if your objective is to lose significant fat and weight.

Getting SculpSure

When you obtain SculpSure, what should you expect? Because of its speed, this method is commonly referred to as "lunchtime lipo."

  • A SculpSure session lasts about twenty-five minutes on average.
  • Some people find SculpSure uncomfortable because to the extreme heat generated by the lasers. The method does, however, include cooling cycles.
  • Because the skin is not suctioned, there is usually little bruising later.

Although this process is advertised as having "zero down time," you may have some sensitivity at the treatment site, but you should be able to resume your normal routine immediately afterward.

Fat Freezing

Do you have any questions about how Fat Freezing works? Fat Freezing, like SculpSure, kills fat cells. However, in this situation, it does so by exposing cells to severe cold, a process known as cryolipolysis.

  • Freezing fat causes apoptosis, or cellular death, which is more sensitive to cold than surrounding tissue.
  • It may take up to three months to see the full effects of the operation, much like with SureSculpt.

What is the efficacy of cool sculpting?

Fat Freezing

is one of the most popular dermatological procedures in the United States, with a high level of patient satisfaction.

The effects of cryolipolysis after three months were investigated in a paper published in Dermatologic Surgery in 2013.

  • The surgery was deemed to be tolerably comfortable by 96 percent of participants, who saw an average 23 percent reduction in fat.
  • 73 percent of participants were pleased with their outcomes.

According to another study, persons who have Fat Freezing can anticipate to lose an average of 80% of their top layer of fat.

Targeting Areas With Fat Freezing 

Fat Freezing

is a little different technology than SculpSure, which may target various regions, including thin layers of fat.

Fat Freezing

can only be used in locations where there is enough additional fat to pinch because it suctions the skin before cooling it.

The method, on the other hand, has a wide range of FDA-approved applications. The following are some possible target areas:

  • The torso and the stomach
  • Handles of love
  • Bra region and upper arms
  • Thighs
  • The "under buttocks" or upper thighs
  • “Double chins” and excessive neck fat

Getting Fat Freezing

When you go in for a Fat Freezing procedure, what should you expect? This method is minimally invasive, fast, and somewhat painless:

  • Depending on the size of the target area, a Fat Freezing session can last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Many people notice a numbing effect throughout the session since it works via cooling. However, suctioning might cause bruising or skin irritation. 
  • Side effects may start right after the session or may take a few days to appear.

The majority of Fat Freezing adverse effects (if any) fade away within two weeks.

Choosing the Best Procedure to Achieve Your Beauty Objectives

Fat Freezing

vs. SculpSure: which is best for you? To assist you in making your decision, we'll compare them based on a few essential factors:

  • SculpSure may be a good option for you if you're already in good condition and just want to target a few areas of extra fat. Consider Fat Freezing if you want to get rid of a lot of fat.
  • Problem region – If you wish to target a specific area, such as your double chin, belly button, or back, Fat Freezing is likely to be approved. All you have to do now is make sure there is enough fat to pinch. SculpSure is only approved by the FDA for the thighs, tummy, and love handles.
  • SculpSure may beat Fat Freezing if you're seeking for the quickest operation with the quickest recovery time. You can practically plan your treatment at lunchtime because it only takes twenty-five minutes and usually has no downtime.
  • Because of the numbing impact of the cold, some people find Fat Freezing to be slightly more comfortable than SculpSure. Fat Freezing may be ideal for you if you're concerned about discomfort during the procedure.

To learn more about the cost and suitability of each of these procedures, Contact Us.

Aftercare for Lipolysis

Since the days of liposuction, fat removal has come a long way.

Now, with to technologies like SculpSure and Fat Freezing, removing fat from difficult places that don't react to exercise or conditioning is relatively quick and painless.

Nonetheless, lipolysis takes place through your skin, exposing your delicate epidermis to intense heat and cold.

  • After a day at the beach, you probably apply moisturizer and spritz your skin with aloe and other treatments. Similarly, your skin may require additional TLC following your operation.
  • Your skin will also need to respond to the shifting surface beneath it. Choose a product that helps tone and tighten skin if you're concerned about drooping skin near the treatment site.


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